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Part One Philosophy. I: What Is a Concept? 2: The Plane ofImmanence. 3: Conceptual Personae. 4: Geophilosophy. Part Two Philosophy, Science, Logic, and Art. I provide a short overview of the nature and history of philosophy and philosophical practice, along with a bibliography for further reading. Start reading What Is Philosophy? for free online and get access to an unlimited library of academic and non-fiction books on Perlego. Philosophy also means the vari- ous theories or systems of thought developed by the great philosophers—Socrates, Plato, Aristo- tle, Augustine, Aquinas, PDF Edition. This book was first published in 1970, with a second edition in 1985; it is out of print and all rights reverted to the author in 2013. Philosophy is not just the preserve of brilliant but eccentric thinkers that it is popularly supposed to be. It is what everyone does when they're not.Philosophy provides the historical basis, the contextual relevance, and the contemporary reality to both expectations and outcomes in thought provoking and
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